18 September 2007

Retro Rollers Rot

Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall said he was putting his foot down to stop what he described as "retro rot" at the suggestion that Rovers should adopt the Bay City Rollers song "Bye Bye Bay" as the official club song. "Notwithstanding that I can't see any link between the song and football" said Hall "we already have a perfectly good club song in I Predict A Riot". Hall said some things from the seventies and eighties were best forgotten and the Bay City Rollers was clearly one of them. "I doubt most people would recall the song even if it was a number one hit" said Hall "and if it came down to it we'd be better to run with an Abba song if we going back to the crappy bands of the past". Zephyr Rovers Chairman George Nash said he quite liked the Bay City Rollers as they were "quite a wholesome Scottish group". Nash said he thought the Rollers were better than they were often given credit for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty typical looking Scottish lads.