01 September 2007

More Mongrel

Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall said he noted the defensive frailties of the Phoenix team whilst working our a tactical plan to beat Mercer on Monday. "They really showed me the importance of organisation and that the lack of it could lead to soft goals" said Hall "but I also liked the way Cleberson went over the top of his man at one point and I want to see a bit of this mongrel from George". Hall said players had different roles in teams and he saw Nash as the imported Scottish Hard man type. "Unfortunately George has often proven to be too nicer guy on the pitch and he he isn't as dirty as Riddle or Smith were" said Hall "in fact I'm worried we're going to win the fair play award the way we're going lately". Hall said Nash had sold himself as a enforcer before joining the squad but in fact Chopper McIntosh was now filling that role. "I can see a little bit of Chris Riddle in Chopper" said Hall "and I think he could develop into a Roy Keene type if he worked at it. Hall said he'd be happy to share defensive strategies with Rikki Herbert if he was to get the call.


Anonymous said...

They're tougher in Rio than Glasgow

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that in Glasgow

Anonymous said...

They're a bunch of softies in Glasgow

Anonymous said...

Rovers need a real hacker again like Chris Riddle. Riddle would hack down his Grandmother from behind if he got the chance.