19 October 2007

Italian Formation

Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall said this afternoon he was thinking of capitalising on the Italian connection by playing Rovers next game in an Italian formation. "We'll play a 0 - 0 - 4 formation with Chopper as the sweeper" said Hall "and the we'll break fast and score once and win 1 - 0". Hall said he was also looking at a deal with Watties to provide Spaghetti cans to the team before matches. "I've always admired the Italian game since I went to Napoli as a boy and nearly got ran down by 5000 Fiat Bambinas" said Hall "in fact that is probably the only team car we could afford right now". Hall said the team would have to take style lessons from John Cao. "I think George's fashion sense could be lifted a few notches" said Hall "that kilt is looking a bit worn to be honest".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think some background Italian Operatic music during the games would be quite motivating...