25 October 2007

"Baby Face" To Sprout Facial Hair

Zephyr Rovers defender Eddie Hussey has announced his entry into Movember to raise money for Prostrate Cancer. "I must admit I was surprised when I heard that Eddie could grow facial hair so we're all interested to see how far he gets in a month" said Zephyr Manager Steve Hall "certainly Chairman Nash is taking wagers that no one will notice the difference". Hall said Nash had unkindly suggested that Hussey had a baby face. "I know Eddie is our Rovers poster boy and I'm sure we'll be able to flog of pictures of the mo around Wellington nursing homes and make a bit of cash for charity" said Hall "Eddie is a legend in Molly Malones as well and he only has to walk in and the women start screaming".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Charlie has facial hair on his bum.