28 October 2007

Exercise Your Groin

Ben White this afternoon pulled out of the match against Hayden's Whores for "medical reasons" after indicating he was under orders from his physio to exercise his groin for another week. "I don't his physio personally and I'm sure she is good at what she does" said Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall "but we now might have to organise a team night out at great expense to help Ben get his groin sorted". Hall said he he could understand such advise coming from a fringe practitioner but he was sure White would put his groin through its paces over the next seven days. "Let's face it their could be worse things to be told to do" said Hall "I mean if he'd gone to a reflexologist he'd be flexing his feet for a fortnight".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the whole squad should get their leg over in sympathy