02 March 2007

Rangers Colours Not On

Land Rovers Manager Steve Hall confirmed today that Zephyr Rovers would be wearing silver with black trim, resisting offers from Chairman Nash to provide a pile of his old Rangers shirts. "I wouldn't say George was fanatical about Rangers" said Hall "as he takes it far more seriously than that, but a move to Rangers colours is not on the cards". Nash said he had some new marketing ideas he'd be passing on to Heather Fernandes. "I been thinking about that bikini idea" said Nash in his Commercial Manager hat on "and it won't work as well as having the shirts modelled". Nash said the club had to look at ideas to broaden its appeal with the key 20 - 55 Geek market. "I think we're going after the technology savvy youngish male like myself who wants to see a bit more colour on the site". Land Rovers Manager Steve Hall said he thought Rovers should focus on football and if George got himself too distracted he was in danger of being rested.


Anonymous said...

I wondered when my picture would finally make the blog.

Anonymous said...

Things are looking up at Rovers.