19 March 2007

It's A-League For Wellington

Terry Serepisos (pictured) became a living legend in Wellington this afternoon when he bank-rolled the successful Wellington A-League bid for what was reputedly over a million dollars. "I've never met Terry as far as I know" said Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall "but he's welcome to ring me tomorrow to see what we can do about reactivating that Zephyr bid for Wayne Rooney". Hall said he and Nash had had discussions about buying season tickets and Hall said Rovers would like to work closely with the A-League franchise. "I'm happy to give Rikki Herbert a few pointers when he moves to Wellington "said Hall "he might not know where some of the bars are and like me he'll be wanting to keep his players out of them". Hall said that if Rovers were to go on and meet their vision of being best indoor team in Wellington by 30 June 2030, then a bit of loose change from Terry Serepisos would probably help the cause.


Anonymous said...

As a tribute to the excellent English Division One team - Port Vale. I suggest that the Wellington A league team be named - Port Wellington

Anonymous said...

Port Smouth has a ring to it.