15 March 2007

Oh My God - It's Division 3

Wellington Indoor Sports today announced that Zephyr Rovers were to go into Division 3 after John Cao (pictured) apparently had a word with the centre Manager. "It has always been our vision to be the best team in Wellington by 30 June 2030" said Rover Manager Steve Hall "but this is going a bit faster than I anticipated, we're already over half way there with twenty three years or so to spare". Hall said he'd expected at least Division 4 and maybe even five but suspected giving a Division 5 team a hiding would have repercussions. "Obviously I'm pleased we are still on track with the vision" said Hall "and no doubt a new fitness regime will see us in with a chance of a semi-final spot". Hall urged the squad to start running for at least five hours a day as well as doing a few hours of ball skills. "I think if we put fifteen hours a day in total we'll give this league a fright" said Hall "then again we'll probably give them a fright when George comes along with his shorts".


Anonymous said...

It would have been Divison 1 if Charlie was still there.

Anonymous said...

Cao KO might have been a better headline

Anonymous said...

Would have been granted Div1 championship if the Master of the Dark Arts stilled played