Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall today confirmed he would be making a submission to the Wellington City Council next week to save sport on the waterfront. "The council has decided we need a Hilton Hotel on the waterfront and I have no issue with that" said Hall "but we want to see an alternative venue for sport on the waterfront as we sure can't jog to Kilbernie at lunch time to play in the new indoor facility out there". Hall said that the council had the opportunity to allow an indoor sports stadium as part of the development of the waterfront but at the moment didn't appear to have any interest in the thousands of people who play sport down there every week. "Let's face it your average council member doesn't play indoor sport" said Hall "so they're more concerned with getting the mix of swamp and lawn right up the other end of the waterfront than being concerned about the bit where real people go". Hall said the situation where the Events Centre was effectively closed to sport and Shed 1 was being demolished was nothing short of a scandal. "I think by this time next week they might have a better idea what the waterfront means to people who play sport down there" said Hall.
Shed 1 is beautiful
The grandstand needs a bit of work and pissing in the harbour whilst a scenic toilet is probably not quite as easy for the ladies.
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