16 March 2008

New Cao Kid

John Cao is not expected to get too much sleep before Zephyr's third round match tomorrow after the recent birth of a brand new daughter. "We'd expect he'll be getting about as much sleep as George was last year" said Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall "and we all remember how cranky George got". Hall said he was confident that Cao could handle the sleep deprivation for what has been confirmed as the testimonial match for Colin "Chopper" McIntosh. "I know John won't mind not having slept for three days when he becomes aware that all gate takings will be going to Chopper" said Hall "although he might well think he is hallucinating when he sees Chopper actually playing". Hall said he didn't know much about Deightons New Boots but he confirmed Rovers would be looking to stay at the top of the table. "We see ourselves as one of the gun teams in this league" said Hall "and unless we shoot ourselves we're expecting to take this one".


Futuristics said...

NICE Blog :)

Anonymous said...

Chopper well deserves the gate takings