05 December 2007

Hall Resigns

Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall today said he was resigning from Zephyr Rovers after what he declared was interference in team selections. "Not that I'm naming names but this is Chelsea all over again and we'll be checking what links with the Russians" said Hall "I never thought I'd resign from the club I founded but there you have it". Hall insisted he had never called the media scum commenting "I said something off the cuff about a media scrum and the next things I was all over the internet suggesting the media were scum" Hall said he liked the media liked he loved referees and it was unfortunate that some reporters were prone to hearing what they wanted to hear. "This is a sad day but I'll be back" said Hall "I think I'll take a look at Infinity cause they sure need help". Hall said he would relax for a few hours before making his next move.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly a tilt at the England job