30 June 2008

Spanish Stroll

Zephy Rovers Manager Steve Hall said he thought Rovers were more like the Spanish than the Germans after watching the Euro 2008 final this morning. "Clearly the Germans are methodicial and the Spanish have more flair" said Hall "and I think we're more a flair team than a bunch of robots". Hall admitted that he had considered robots for the team but had found they weren't quite up to scratch. "I got hold of one of those Lost In Space DVD's and watched the robot in going on about danger danger" said Hall "I tend to think we don't need a defender who flpas his arms and yells stuff out without doing anything". Hall said he thought Torres had showed a lot of pace. "He reminded me a lot of myself when I was his age" said Hall "the only difference is he earns a lot of money and I was somehow overlooked".

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