12 May 2008

It's United

Zephyr Rovers Manager Steve Hall was still digesting what he had learnt from watching Manchester United win the Premiership this morning. "I think what I learnt was if you stay up all night you get tired" said Hall "and if I stay up all night before our final on Wednesday I won't play very well and will be grumpy with everyone". Hall said it was however good to see United win the first leg of the double. "It was great to see Chelsea pipped at the post and next week they'll hopefully lose the Champions League final" said Hall "by then Rovers should also have the trophy in the cabinet". Hall said he'd be taking more from Manchester United than he would be from Manchester City. "City got an 8 - 1 hiding and I think they were trying to get an indoor football score to see off their manager" quipped Hall "it's a tough job being at the helm and if we lose the final 8 - 1 then I'll cry". Hall said it had been a long day as he'd also watch Waitakere win the O league with a five nil win in horrible conditions in Auckland and had observed "it was better to play indoors on a crap day".

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